Although you may think of winter as the rainy time of year with all the rain and snow, the atmosphere is actually more dry in the winter, which often causes your eyes to become irritated easily.
Our eye care staff can help you find the most effective options to hydrate your eyes this winter. While you are indoors you can prevent dryness by using a humidifier. Optometrists recommend using humidifiers in spaces with forced-air heating, which can decrease moisture from the air.
In addition, make sure to take extra precautions once you're going outside and will be exposed to the elements. Keep your eyes shielded by putting on a hat with a brim and wearing sunglasses. Always try your best to shield your eyes from the whipping winds and prevent evaporation of your eye's tear film.
Another easy tip for avoiding dry eyes is applying high-quality eye cream. Our vision practice can recommend a good eye cream that will help you keep the ocular area protected.
Don't forget that if you use contact lenses it’s important to be extra cautious in the winter. When possible, make use of rewetting drops frequently. While you may not recognize it, lenses are dependent on moisture and are required to remain hydrated to maintain their shape. If they begin to dry out, the contacts can lose their form and cling to the eyeball, which causes discomfort and cloudiness. So let your contacts drink up… and make sure to keep them lubricated this winter. With a little knowledge and preparation, you can avoid the hazards of the cold, dry weather and keep your eyes clear and moisturized throughout the season!