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Finding the Best Frame for Your Face Shape

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Choosing the right pair of glasses can be a daunting task, especially with so many different frame styles to choose from. One important factor to consider is your face shape. Just like with hairstyles and clothing, certain glasses frames complement different face shapes better than others. At Plymouth Family Optometry, we want to make finding the best glasses easy for you. Here's a simple guide to help you choose the best frame shape for your face.

1. Round Face:

  • If you have a round face, your goal is to add angles to your features and make your face appear longer and thinner.
  • Best frame shapes: Rectangular or square frames help add definition to your face.
  • Avoid: Round frames can make your face appear even rounder.

2. Square Face:

  • With a square face, you want to soften your strong jawline and add some curves to your features.
  • Best frame shapes: Oval or round frames help soften the angles of your face.
  • Avoid: Square or rectangular frames can make your face look boxy.

3. Oval Face:

  • Lucky you! Oval faces can pull off almost any frame shape.
  • Best frame shapes: You can experiment with different styles, but wider frames that are as wide as or wider than the broadest part of your face often work well.
  • Avoid: There's not much to avoid, but frames that are too large or too small for your face can throw off your look.

4. Heart-Shaped Face:

  • If you have a heart-shaped face, you want to balance your wide forehead and narrow chin.
  • Best frame shapes: Bottom-heavy frames, such as aviators or cat-eye frames, can help balance your features.
  • Avoid: Frames that are wider at the top than the bottom can exaggerate the width of your forehead.

5. Oblong Face:

  • Oblong faces are longer than they are wide, so the goal is to make your face appear shorter and more balanced.
  • Best frame shapes: Wide frames with a low bridge help create the illusion of a shorter face.
  • Avoid: Narrow frames that elongate your face even more.

6. Diamond Face:

  • Diamond-shaped faces are characterized by wide cheekbones and a narrow forehead and chin.
  • Best frame shapes: Rimless or oval frames can soften your cheekbones and highlight your eyes.
  • Avoid: Frames that are wider than your cheekbones can overwhelm your face.

At Plymouth Family Optometry, we can help you find the perfect glasses that not only fit your face shape but also reflect your personal style. Don't hesitate to stop by and let us help you find your perfect pair!