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EYE EXAMS: Your Back-To-School Checklist!

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Your back-to-school checklist should include a visit to the eye doctor, experts advise. They say it's a good time for kids to get a checkup that can help them succeed in the classroom.

Vision problems can lead to issues in a child's development, school performance and self-esteem. According to the American Optometric Association, or AOA, 1 in 4 children in the U.S. has a vision disorder that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

Some parents may think a comprehensive eye exam is unnecessary when their children receive vision screenings at school. But the AOA says school screenings can miss up to 75% of kids with vision problems. If caught early, some vision problems can be slowed or even cured. Cases of nearsightedness are up dramatically as kids use more screens and electronic devices, and early intervention is important.

A television across the room is better than a tablet close to the face. So instead of letting your child stare at a phone or tablet, try streaming the content so your child can watch it on a television or large monitor.  If they are on a laptop for distance learning, consider getting a separate monitor and putting it more than 25 inches, or an arm’s length away, from your child. Farther is better. Blue light blocking eyewear is always recommended for children.

Vision can change quickly. We are seeing vision changes and progression in the strength of glasses sometimes in just six months. So even if your child’s vision has been normal, that may have changed. If you think your child might be having vision problems, make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam today!